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The Plants - the stars of the show

I grow a lot of the plants from seed, but to get a start with perennials I picked up a number of shop bought plants including plug plants over the internet. Shops like B & M stores were doing three perennials for a fiver at one point and while they may not have been the healthiest specimens, once the went in the ground they came away fine. I also bought from the garden centre when the season had ended and the plants were greatly reduced in price.  Every now and then I treat myself to something really special, especially when I get garden centre vouchers as a present. 

Astrantia - Star of Love
Nigella - Moody Blues
mecanopsis - Himalayan blue poppy

There are a number of varieties that I just can't get enough of, Astrantia being one of them.  I've also found I'm drawn to  particular  flower types and started off with Lavatera trimistris - silver cup and ended up with a shrub Lavetera and also Malope - vulcan and a prairie mallow. I'm also very partial to true blue flowers such as the Mecanopsis betonicifolia and the wonderful Nigella - moody blues.

Camassia quamash
Calendula and Welsh Poppies

From late winter the garden starts to re-awaken with snowdrops, winter aconite and anemone - blanda blue leading the way in the woodland garden.

Plant List - just a few of them!


Acer Orange Dream

Acer Emerald Lace

Acer atropurpureum




Silver Birch


Alliums - Spherocephalon, Purple Sensation,

Nigrum, Nectaroscordum

Anemone - Blanda Blue

Daffodils including Minnow

Tulips - Spring Green,Queen of Night

Camassia quamash

Crown Imperial fritillary 

Snake's Head fritillary 

Erythronium - Pagoda

Pond Plants

Water forget-me-not

Water Lily

Water mint

Water plantain


Pickerel weed

Water milfoil



Agapanthus - Midnight star


Alpine potentilla

Astrantia - Star of Love,

Primadonna, Florence

Bamboo - Fargesia murelei

Campanula persicifolia

Campanula latifolia

Candelabra primulas - Bessiana and Pulverulenta

Canna - Happy Wilma

Clematis - The President, Piilu, Rouge Cardinal and Blue Angel

Corydalis elata

Corydalis sempervirens

Cotinus - Royal Purple

Crocosmia - lucifer

Dahlia - Noordwiks Glorie, Bishops Children, Mystic Enchantment 

Delphinium - Black Night

Dianthus inc, Arctic Fire

Echinacea inc, Tangerine Dream, Pallida

Echinops ritro

Erodium - Spanish Eyes

Erygngium inc, Blue Hobbit

Euphorbia amygdaloides

Euphorbia griffithii - Fireglow

Fatsia japonica inc Spiders Web


Geranium - Vision Violet

Geum - Lady Stratheden, Mrs Bradshaw, Rivale and Boriisi

Hellebore niger

Heuchera - Coral Forest, Palace Purple, Melting Fire, Plum Pudding, Alabama Sunrise, Indian Summer

Heucherella - Quicksilver

Knautia - Melton Pastels, 

Kniphofia - Mango popsicle


Linaria purpurea - Canon Went

Lupins - Russell Mixed

Lupin arboreus

Lysimachia - Fire Cracker

Mechanopsis - Himalayan Poppy

Monarda didyma - Red


Musa sikkimenis

Nerine bowdenii


Phygellus - Funfair Orange

Polemonium caeruleum

Polemonium pauciflorum

Rose - Compassion

Salvia nemorosa - Caradonna

Salvia microphylla - Hot Lips

Salvia transylvanica 

Silene coronaria

Tetrapanax papyrifer 

Trollious - Lemon Queen

Verbascum, Southern Charm, Snow Maiden, Phoeniceum

Verbena bonariensis

Veronica teucherum

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